Monday, June 29, 2009

Reading Log #5 - Part 1

Reading Log, Creswell, Chap. 11
Creswell begins the chapter with a diagram of three components of qualitative research: approach to inquiry; assumptions, worldviews, theories; and research design. He then "turns the story" by creating a short writeup of the example study called the gunman case for each of the different qualitative approaches offered in the book, illustrating how each approach differs and what would, and would not, be included in the narrative for each type of study.

In the conclusion, Creswell discusses the way that the approach to inquiry shapes the language that is used to write the study. Each facet of qualitative research depends upon the question being asked, and how the researcher plans to focus attention on answering that question. Finally, the interpretation of research is discussed, with emphasis on personal meaning and the way that the researcher speaks into his or her work, bringing our own beings into the study.


Chapter 11 offers what, for me, is the most important statement in the book, "Ultimately, our writing is an interpretation by us of events, people, and activities, and it is only our interpretation...Within this perspective, our writing can only be seen as a discourse, one with tentative conclusions, and one that will be contatntly changing and evolving."" (p. 231)

I believe the qualitative researcher has to give herself or himself the permission to understand that the conclusions drawn are theirs alone, that it is okay for the interpretation to be personal. Too often we try to do the same thing with qual. research that is done with quantitative researech - to prove something. When the researcher makes peace with the possibility of simply telling a story, of reflecting one possible way that reality can be seen, through the eyets of a specific researcher looking at a specific population or event, then a powerful story can be told. Stories that may not conclusively prove a theory, but can hekp to widen understanding and point to new ways of seeing. Viewed in this light, qual. research is pretty heady stuff!

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